
Site News

CSP DR3 Photometry Released

The third and final data release of photometry, consisting of 134 type Ia supernovae, is ready for download. This data release includes all type Ia supernovae observed by CSP-I and supersedes our previous data releases.
CSP DR3 Photometry Released

The evolution of the Swope+Site3 photometric zero-points over the 5 years of CSP-I.

The Carnegie Supernova Project has released its third and final set of type Ia supernova photometry.  In total, 134 type Ia supernovae are included. This release supersedes our previous two data releases (DR1 and DR2). The details of the data release are described in Krisciunas et al. (2017).  The data reduction pipeline has been improved, particularly in the NIR. Photometry, filter functions and zero-points can be obtained here

Update to CSPI Filter Package

With improved calibration, we have updated the CSPI Filter package.

Our final data release of CSPI is eminent. Along the way, we have made several improvements to the filters, most notably using an airmass of 1.2 when applying the atmospheric corrections. This more closely matches the median airmass of our photometric standard observations. Also, we have improved color terms, which will change the derived zero-points. The latest package can be downloaded from here.

Emergency SNooPy update

Due to a change in the IRSA galactic reddening API, the values downloaded by SNooPy will be completely wrong. Update to the latest version to avoid this bug.

If you already have SNooPy running and you used the bootstrap script to install it, all you need to do us run the update-snpy script:


Otherwise, download the latest version and install it over the older version.

CSP DR1 Spectroscopy Released

The first data release of CSP spectroscopy, consisting of 630 spectra of 94 type Ia supernovae, is ready for download. Enjoy.
CSP DR1 Spectroscopy Released

Figure 7 of Folatelli et al. (2013) showing composite spectra of different Ia sub-types.

The Carnegie Supernova Project has released its first set of type Ia supernova spectroscopy.  In all, spectra of 93 type Ia supernovae are included in this release.  The details of the data release are described in Folatelli et al. (2013).  You can download the entire set of spectra from this link. You can also browse the spectra individually by going here.

CSP NIR Filters Now Available

The NIR filter scans performed by a group at Texas A & M are now available for download in the Data section.
CSP NIR Filters Now Available

NIR filters as determined by the TAMU group.

Thanks to a group of Texas A & M astronomers including Jean-Philippe Rheault, Jennifer Marshall, Darren Depoy, and Steven Villanueva, three of the CSP filter functions in the NIR, Y-, J-, and H-band, have been accurately scanned.  These filter functions represent the throughput of all optical components of the telescope, dewars, and filters.  Empirical functions for the atmospheric absorption are then incorporated to produce the final functions.  All CSP filter, including these new scans, can be found here.

CSP DR2 Photometry Released

The second data release of photometry, consisting of 50 new type Ia supernovae, is ready for download. Enjoy.
CSP DR2 Photometry Released

SN Light-curve sample from Stritzinger et al. (2011)

The Carnegie Supernova Project has released its second set of type Ia supernova photometry.  Together with data release 1, this brings the total number of type Ia's to 83, most with optical and NIR coverage.  The details of the data release are described in Stritzinger et al. (2011).  One major improvement over the previous data release is the inclusion of improved filter+telescope+atmosphere functions that should allow more precise S-corrections between different photometric systems.  Photometry, filter functions and zero-points can be obtained here.

CSP Measures distance to Antennae

The CSP measures a new distance to the Antennae using Type IA supernova SN2007sr.
CSP Measures distance to Antennae

The Antennae galaxy (NGC 4038/4039)

Using its observations of the Type Ia supernova SN2007sr, the CSP has determined a new distance to the interacting galaxies NGC 4038/NGC 4039 (aka the Antennae). This new distance of approximately 22 ± 3 Mpc is in agreement with flow models (assuming Ho = 72 km/s/Mpc). However, it is in stark disagreement with recent TRGB distance estimates by Saviane et. al (2008) of 13.3 ± 1 Mpc. As discussed in their paper, Schweitzer et. al (2008), this is likely due to a misidentification of the TRGB. A re-analysis of the HST data used by Saviane et. al (2008) yields a more concordant distance of 20 ± 2 Mpc.

SNooPy released

The light-curve fitting code used by the CSP, SNooPy (SuperNovae in Object Oriented Python) has been released for general use.
SNooPy released

SNooPy generates light-curves of different decline rates by interpolating on a sparse surface defined by CSP photometry.

The Carnegie Supernova Project has developed an analysis package, written in python, called SNooPy.  It's fundamental use is for fitting TypeIa supernova light-curves using template derived from the CSP uBVgriYJH photometry.  SNooPy can therefore determine distances to SNeIa using any combination of these filters.  More generally, SNooPy includes tools for computing S- and K-corrections, determining galactic extinction, producing synthetic photometry based on filter responses and spectral energy distributions, and general-purpose curve fitting.  The code is available for download here.

First 35 SNIa published

The CSP is proud to publish the first 35 SNIa from Contreras et al. (2009)
First 35 SNIa published

Sample finder charges of the CSP data release 1.

The first 35 SNIa from the low-redshift sample have been published on the CSP's website.  Simply visit the CSP Data page and browse the list of published supernovae.  You can download the data SN by SN, or get all of them at once (by clicking on the "download" button).